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5 Minute Paper Plate Art for Kids

5 Minute Paper Plate Art for Kids

Looking for an easy, no-mess art project for the kids? Look no further! We combined Do-a-Dot markers and mini paper plates to make a super easy and fun art project for the kids. The kids had a blast and we loved that both the set-up and clean-up were a breeze. Read on for all the details of this super fun five-minute paper plate art for kids.

Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess

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What You’ll Need

  • Do-a-Dot markers 
  • Paper plates (we used a mini size but you could use regular sized plates as well – the project just might take a little longer)

What to Do

Begin by placing the Do-a-Dot markers and mini paper plate out for your child. You could use a plastic tray or cover your work surface in newspaper or kraft paper if are worried about getting marker ink on your work surface (we didn’t cover our work surface this time and the marker ink wiped right off the table with a baby wipe).

Once your work area has been prepped, invite your child to create. You could help them get started by dabbing a marker on the plate and then asking them to do the same. Or, you could simply offer them the supplies and let them get started on their own. Little Miss 14-months-old thoroughly enjoyed working on her art project along with her big sisters. In fact, she was the first one at the table. 🙂

Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess

After you’ve made these, you may also be interested in this paper plate dinosaur from a fellow blogger.

Allow your child to choose whether they’d like to make abstract art or something more representational. We decided to make abstract art but either style would be fun!

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Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess
Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess

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Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess

Do you enjoy making art with your child or do you typically just watch? Let us know in the comment section below.

Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess
Easy 5 minute paper plate craft for kids - no mess

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Want more? Be sure to check out some of our other fun activities:


Friday 3rd of November 2017

This is a super cute and easy craft idea! I will have to do this with my 4yr old!

The Art Kit

Sunday 12th of November 2017

Thanks so much for stopping by! We hope your little one enjoys this craft. :)